"To believe only in life after death,
Hoping for that was never enough for me. You don't know what death feels like until you've experienced it yourself."
That's me
Anika Schäller
Entrepreneur, Author,
Mother and Companion
"Death is pure illusion."
I was born in February 1987 in the beautiful Waldviertel region of Austria. I am the mother of four (soon to be 5) magical children, and my daughter Luna has already been allowed to return to the spiritual world. Since my childhood I have been dealing with the question of the after.
"Is there life after death? And if so, what does it look like?"
With the death of my daughter at the end of March 2020, my life took a decisive turning point. Through this tragic stroke of fate, I not only gained a completely new perspective on life, but at the same time the door to the spiritual world opened up to me. Within a very short time I learned to use my own clairvoyance in order to get in touch with my deceased daughter.
At the same time, I was inexorably looking for more ways to experience the spiritual world myself. Through my numerous explorations of the afterlife by means of out-of-body experiences, I was not only able to visit my daughter in the afterlife, I also acquired a wide range of knowledge about life after death.
To this day, I deal day and night with out-of-body experiences, lucid dreams, my own clairvoyant senses as well as the dream world and its possibilities.
Always with the goal in mind to develop myself further and to be part of the change.
My offer for you
"Who knows what happens after death?
Those who live there, those who visited them, and those who have died and are coming back."
My offer is aimed at all those people who, like me, want to learn more. About life, death and oneself.
If you are interested in developing spiritually or getting to know different ways to get in touch with your spiritual team, your higher self or loved ones who have passed away, then you are in good hands with me.
Write me a message and I will soon accompany you on your individual journey.
Spiritual guidance
Would you like to take a new path, discover your spirituality or expand your consciousness? You would like to learn to make contact with the deceased, your higher self or the spiritual world, but you don't know how? Do you perceive things, energies or entities that are not visible or tangible to others? Then you are exactly right with me! I would be happy to accompany you on your path to awareness and make my knowledge available to you. Let's discover your supernatural abilities together and open the gate to the other world.
What's waiting for you: Personal advice via Zoom
Energy balance: 120.00 euros (incl. VAT) (online, 60 minutes conversation)
Our soul consists of several parts, each of which has specific tasks and meanings for us. If a person is missing some of these parts, they cannot access their full potential and are blocked in their growth as a soul. Stressful events from previous incarnations can cause a part of the soul to split off and flee to a supposedly safe place, where it then remains until it is brought back. If that doesn't happen, he stays there and we can no longer access the experiences he has had. Possible signs of the loss of a soul share can be very different. Very often we feel lost and as if an important part of us is missing. But various illnesses on a physical or psychological level can also be the result of this incompleteness.
If we bring back these lost parts and reintegrate them into our soul existence, healing can occur on many levels.
During an out of body experience, I access a specific part of your soul that has been lost and bring it back. Before this trip, we will discuss which topic is currently most important to you. I will then report to you in a detailed email about what I noticed and what you can do subsequently to support the integration process.
Energy compensation: 199,00 euros (incl. VAT)
Soul retrieval
You would like to learn astral travel or are already practicing,
But you haven't experienced much yet?
No matter whether you are just starting out or are advanced, I will support and accompany you for a full 4 weeks, more. .
Losing your own child is the worst thing that can happen to a mother or father and cannot be compared to anything in the world. The affected parents often never find a happy life worth living again more. .
Once heaven
and back
Visit the afterlife together with me! Did you know that there is a place in the afterlife where you can ask for healing? The Healing Center. Together with me, you will visit this heavenly place to undergo an energetic treatment. The spirit world always knows what is best for you and acts for your highest good, and you may even remember what you experienced during our journey together. In any case, I will then send you everything I saw, heard or was shown to you in detail as an e-mail and send it to you so that you can read it again and again. Of course, you can also ask me questions afterwards, if any come up. Astral healing does not represent a promise of healing and yet healing will happen on different levels and activate your self-healing powers.
Energy compensation: 40,00 euros (inkl. VAT)
Many people practice out-of-body experiences for years without experiencing anything.
Not giving up is arguably one of the most important factors, but apart from that, there are a variety of other variables that determine whether you succeed or not. I'm one of those people who aren't satisfied with just experiencing something every now and then. For this reason, I have set out to look for other factors that additionally favor or prevent the occurrence of an Ake. In this way, I now succeed in initiating out-of-body experiences every night. With the right know-how, the right attitude and regular practice, it is possible to significantly increase your own success rate. For this reason, I also accompany people in individual settings and share my knowledge with them to accelerate their transformation process. In addition, I will contact your Spirit Team to inquire about possible existing blockages and the next necessary steps.
Energy compensation: 130,00 euros (incl. VAT) (online, 60 minutes conversation)
Energy compensation: 190,00 euros (incl. VAT) (online, 90 minutes conversation)
Out of body
travel coaching
Everything your soul has experienced in the course of its existence so far is stored in the Akashic Records - as well as all of its future possibilities. The book of your life is here.
In this otherworldly place lies invaluable information to help you find love, healing and fulfillment. A journey to the Akashic Records can reveal concrete solutions for how you can bring about helpful changes in your life and gain clarity on your life path. You will also gain insights into past lives, talents, skills and challenges that you have already mastered. This opportunity can also be used to find information about your life goal and mission. This offer includes a shared journey to the Akashic Records. To do this, we agree on a specific night in which we will have an out of body experience. Of course, you will receive instructions from me in advance about what you need to pay attention to. You will then receive a detailed email from me in which I will tell you what I noticed.
Energy compensation: 190.00 euros (incl. VAT)
trip to
Akashic Records
Visit the afterlife together with me! Did you know that there is a place in the afterlife where you can ask for healing? The Healing Center. Together with me, you will visit this heavenly place to undergo an energetic treatment. The spirit world always knows what is best for you and acts for your highest good, and you may even remember what you experienced during our journey together. In any case, I will then send you everything I saw, heard or was shown to you in detail as an e-mail and send it to you so that you can read it again and again. Of course, you can also ask me questions afterwards, if any come up. Astral healing does not represent a promise of healing and yet healing will happen on different levels and activate your self-healing powers.
Energy compensation: 40,00 euros (inkl. VAT)
Many people want to experience out-of-body experiences up close in order to experience their own immortality and to come to the healing realization that death is not the end. Leaving one's physical body requires not only a certain amount of patience, a good dream memory ability and a certain degree of tenacity, but also the necessary know-how. That's why you will not only receive coaching from me, a guide with my personal technique to achieve success as quickly as possible, but I will also help you to leave your body at night.
What you can expect:
*1xOut of Body Coaching (via Zoom, 60 minutes)
*Instructions to initiate out-of-body experiences on your own
*1 agreed night in which I will pick you up
Whether you can remember it or not is entirely up to you. The following day you will receive a detailed email in which I will tell you what you experienced the night before.
Energy compensation: 299,00 euros (inkl. VAT)
Trance healing (distance healing) supports you in solving possible blockages and complaints on different levels.
In doing so, I connect with the spiritual world and let healing energies flow through me and onto you. At the same time, I receive valuable messages that I can pass on to you.
After the session, you will receive a detailed email from me in which I will tell you what I noticed.
Energy compensation: 150,00 euros (inkl. VAT)
Trance healing
with channeling
Visit the afterlife together with me! Did you know that there is a place in the afterlife where you can ask for healing? The Healing Center. Together with me, you will visit this heavenly place to undergo an energetic treatment. The spirit world always knows what is best for you and acts for your highest good, and you may even remember what you experienced during our journey together. In any case, I will then send you everything I saw, heard or was shown to you in detail as an e-mail and send it to you so that you can read it again and again. Of course, you can also ask me questions afterwards, if any come up. Astral healing does not represent a promise of healing and yet healing will happen on different levels and activate your self-healing powers.
Energy compensation: 40,00 euros (inkl. VAT)
Trance healing (distance healing) supports you in solving possible blockages and complaints on different levels.
In doing so, I connect with the spiritual world and let healing energies flow through me and onto you. At the same time, I receive valuable messages that I can pass on to you.
After the session, you will receive a detailed email from me in which I will tell you what I noticed.
Energy compensation: 150,00 euros (inkl. VAT)
Trance healing
with channeling
Anleitung zur Astralreise
Anika Schäller
"Guide to astral travel"
Energy balancing:
80,00 euro (VAT included)
Video instructions “Learn astral travel”
Astral travel is not only an everything-changing experience, but also an excellent opportunity to continually expand your own consciousness. No matter whether you want to visit a deceased loved one, spiritual entities, your higher self or foreign dimensions, astral travel makes the impossible possible and opens the gate to heaven a little.
I would like to encourage you to finally gain your own experiences. Always looking to others for answers can be helpful, but ultimately it is your own experience that counts more than anything else. This is the only way you can become a knowledgeable person!
That's why I'm giving you a simple but highly effective guide that will allow you to experience lucid dreams, other dimensions, out of body experiences, and much more. I have been moving in these seemingly strange worlds night after night for several years now and would now like to share the knowledge that I have been able to acquire with you.
Regardless of whether you are just starting to practice or are already a little familiar with it, this method is ideal for achieving results as quickly as possible. My instructions are not limited to the essentials, but can also be put into practice immediately and easily.
Let's go! What are you waiting for? Let's conquer the sky together!
What's waiting for you:
In this exclusive 45-minute video you will learn everything you need to experience astral travel on your own.
You not only learn how to leave your physical body in a targeted and simple way using affirmations, but also how to remember what you experienced.
At the same time, you will learn how you can increase your chance of experiencing astral travel many times over or how you can continuously increase your vibration.
Energy balancing: 80,00 euro (VAT included)
Anleitung zum
luziden Träumen
Anika Schäller
"Guide to lucid dreaming"
Energy balancing:
80,00 euro (VAT included)
Video instructions "lucid dreaming" - experiences and instructions from Anika Schäller
A lucid dream, also known as a lucid dream, is a dream in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. As a result, he not only gains complete waking consciousness, but also absolute ability to act.
He can do things that are simply impossible in the waking world. Flying, manifestation, meeting your dream partner and much more. Lucid dreams are not only a wonderful way to gain control of your dream world, defuse nightmares, learn more about yourself, but also serve as an excellent springboard for out-of-body experiences.
What's waiting for you:
In this approximately 45-minute video you will learn everything you need to learn lucid dreaming.
At the same time, I will explain to you how you can use this special type of dreaming to increase your number of out-of-body experiences many times over using targeted transformation techniques.
Energy balancing: 80,00 euro (VAT included)
Anleitung zur Schwingungserhöhung
Anika Schäller
"Instructions for increasing vibration"
Energy balancing:
80,00 euro (VAT included)
Video instructions "Increasing vibration" - experiences and instructions from Anika Schäller
Your own vibration not only plays a major role when it comes to learning astral travel, it is also your key to the spiritual world. The higher you vibrate, the easier it will be for you to leave your physical body to travel, meet the deceased, spiritual entities, and much more.
If you practice astral travel, your success rate can be massively increased by using targeted methods to increase vibration. On the other hand, if you swing low, your chances of experiencing something decrease drastically, which in turn quickly leads to frustration and disappointment. A high vibration strengthens your connection to the spiritual world, which means you can perceive messages or signs much better.
What's waiting for you:
In this approximately 45-minute video, you will find out which factors have a direct influence on your vibration and how you can gradually increase it.
In addition, I will give you a meditation in which you will not only learn to continuously increase your vibration, but also to strengthen your connection to the spiritual world or your spirit guide. You also have the unique opportunity to get to know your spirit guide. Used daily, you will soon notice positive changes in your life!
Energy balancing: 80,00 euro (VAT included)
Astralreise Workshops
Workshop „Die Kunst des Astralreisen“
Der Workshop findet online über Zoom statt.
Nach diesen intensiven 5 Tagen hast du alles gelernt, was es brauchst, um selbstständig Astralreisen einzuleiten bzw. zu erleben.
Du lernst:
Die wichtigsten Grundkenntnisse zum Thema Astralreisen und ihre Dimensionen
Zahlreiche Methoden, um deine Erinnerungsfähigkeit binnen kürzester Zeit zu steigern
Meditation zur Schwingungserhöhung
Meditation zur Lichtkörperaktivierung
Konkrete Methode zum Einleiten einer Astralreise
Wie du luzides Träumen zu deinem Vorteil nutzen kannst
(ein tolles Sprungbrett für Astralreisen!) -
Erfahre, wie sich die Chance, eine Astralreise zu erleben, massiv steigern lässt
Eine gemeinsame Praxisnacht, in der du das Gelernte sofort umsetzen kannst
(plus anschließender Reflexion) -
Dauerhafter Zugang zu einer exklusiven Telegramgruppe
Energieausgleich: 299,00 Euro (inkl. MwSt)
Jede Einheit wird aufgezeichnet und gespeichert, die Videos können immer wieder angesehen bzw. wiederholt werden. Solltest du einmal nicht live mit dabei sein können, so hast du die Möglichkeit, dir auch alles im Nachhinein anzusehen.
Bezahlung per Überweisung
Anmeldung per Mail anikaschaeller@gmx.at
(bitte ein kurzes Feedback geben, zu welchem Termin du dich anmelden möchtest)
Überweisung an: Anika Schäller
IBAN: AT 54 2022 1072 0115 3512
Verwendungszweck: „Die Kunst des Astralreisens“
Seminar „Die Kunst des Astralreisen“
In diesem Tages-Intensivseminar lernst du alles, was du brauchst, um Astraleisen selbstständig einzuleiten bzw. zu erleben.
Du lernst:
Die wichtigsten Grundkenntnisse sowie Grundvoraussetzungen zum Thema Astralreisen kennen
Zahlreiche Methoden, um deine Erinnerungsfähigkeit binnen kürzester Zeit zu steigern
Deine Schwingung zu erhöhen
Deine Anbindung zur geistigen Welt bzw. deinem Geistführer zu stärken
Deinen Lichtkörper zu aktivieren
Deine Chakren zu reinigen bzw. harmonisieren
Alles über die einzelnen Phasen sowie mögliche Austrittstechniken
Lerne meine Methode zum Einleiten einer Astralreise kennen!
Wie du luzides Träumen zu deinem Vorteil nutzen kannst
(ein tolles Sprungbrett für Astralreisen!) -
Zusammen machen wir 2 Meditationen, die ich schon seit Jahren nutze, um Astralreisen einzuleiten!
Erfahre, wie sich die Chance, eine Astralreise zu erleben, massiv steigern lässt
Energieausgleich: 209,00 Euro (inkl. MwSt)
Achtung: Dieses Seminar wird mit maximal 15 Teilnehmern/innen durchgeführt!
Für Snacks und Getränken ist gesorgt!
Bezahlung per Überweisung
Anmeldung per Mail anikaschaeller@gmx.at
(bitte ein kurzes Feedback geben, zu welchem Termin du dich anmelden möchtest)
Überweisung an: Anika Schäller
IBAN: AT 54 2022 1072 0115 3512
Verwendungszweck: „Die Kunst des Astralreisens Intensiv-Seminar“
Astralhealing Workshop
Workshop „Astralhealing“
Du interessierst dich für Spiritualität, die geistige Welt und alternative Möglichkeiten der Heilung. Dann ist mein Workshop vielleicht genau das Richtige für dich!
Dieser Workshop richtet sich an alle spirituell Interessierten, Menschen, die sich mit unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten der (Selbst)heilung auseinandersetzen oder aktiv damit arbeiten möchten. Er eignet sich für Anfänger sowie Fortgeschrittene (keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig!).
Mein Fokus liegt vorrangig auf Heilungsmethoden in den jenseitigen, astralen Ebenen. Dabei arbeite ich stets mit einem ganzen Team an geistigen Helfern zusammen. Genauso wie ich, kannst auch du all das erlernen.
Der Workshop findet online über Zoom statt.
Nach diesen intensiven 5 Tagen hast du alles gelernt, was es brauchst, um selbstständig Heilung in den (astralen) Ebenen, für dich sowie andere, vornehmen zu können.
Du lernst:
Du wirst lernen verloren gegangene Seelenanteile aufzuspüren und diese zurückzuholen bzw. zu integrieren
Wir befassen uns mit dem Lokalisieren und Entfernen von Fremdenergien
Du lernst einen Schutz, für dich sowie andere, zu erstellen und erfährst wie du diesen verstärken kannst
Du erhältst die Möglichkeit Kontakt mit deinem geistigen Heilerteam zu knüpfen und heilsame Energien aus der geistigen Welt auf dich bzw. andere fließen zu lassen
gemeinsam machen wir einige tolle Meditationen und du wirst sehr viel über die Möglichkeiten an Heilung in den astralen Ebenen erfahren
zusammen werden wir, mittels einer Astralreise, eine Reise zum Heilungszentrum machen (Praxisnacht)
Zugang zu meiner exklusiven Telegramgruppe, um dich mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen
Energieausgleich: 299,00 Euro (inkl. MwSt)
Jede Einheit wird aufgezeichnet und gespeichert, die Videos können immer wieder angesehen bzw. wiederholt werden. Solltest du einmal nicht live mit dabei sein können, so hast du die Möglichkeit, dir auch alles im Nachhinein anzusehen.
Bezahlung per Überweisung
Anmeldung per Mail anikaschaeller@gmx.at
(bitte ein kurzes Feedback geben, zu welchem Termin du dich anmelden möchtest)
Überweisung an: Anika Schäller
IBAN: AT 54 2022 1072 0115 3512
Verwendungszweck: „Astralhealing Workshop“
"Imagine if someone told you that death doesn't exist?"
"Stell dir vor jemand würde dir erzählen, dass es den Tod gar nicht gibt?"
A bathtub full
of chocolate
Lena discovers the sky
What happens after death and what does it look like in heaven? You will learn about the meaning of life and why we are never alone in this humorous book, which is particularly suitable for reading hours together with the whole family.
Price: 24.20 euro (incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs)
You will be happy to receive a signed copy including a personal dedication from me!
In heaven there are strawberries
About the loss of my daughter and the miracle of meeting her again.
The miraculous story of a mother who simply refused to consider her daughter's death as final and went in search of answers to her questions. What she discovered, she should not keep to herself, but share with all those people who are willing to face a completely new truth.
Price: 22.00 euros (incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs)
You will be happy to receive a signed copy including a personal dedication from me!
I'm where you've always been
Even as a child, Anika Schäller was concerned with the supernatural. But it is only through the sudden and unexpected death of her two-year-old daughter Luna that the door to the spiritual world opens for the psychologist and author. For Anika, it's clear that she has to find a way to connect with her. Almost nine months later, on Christmas Eve of all days, she experiences her first out-of-body experience, which leads to a miraculous encounter with Luna. Her story is not only deeply touching, but also inspiring.
Price: 22.00 euros (incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs)
You will be happy to receive a signed copy including a personal dedication from me!
Bring into
the light
Julian is eight when he sees his sister die unexpectedly before his eyes. Since then, he has wished for nothing more than to see her again, just like Petra, who lost her beloved husband to cancer, and Michael also vehemently refuses to say goodbye after the sudden loss of his son. Together with the author, they embark on an exciting adventure that not only gives them unequivocal proof of life after death, but also shows that we never have to say goodbye.
Price: 17.50 euros (incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs)
You will be happy to receive a signed copy including a personal dedication from me!
Superheroes don't die
The true story of an extraordinary boy whose home is heaven.
Philipp wants nothing more than to be a superhero. After all, they can fly and have a lot of other superpowers. But best of all, they don't die. When Philipp falls terminally ill one day, he discovers that he himself is in possession of a whole series of secret superpowers.
Price: 22.00 euros (incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs)
You will be happy to receive a signed copy including a personal dedication from me!
- until we meet again
Only once in a lifetime see the sky. Convince yourself that death is not the end. Visiting loved ones and exploring the afterlife side by side. What if the gates to heaven could open for a moment and you learned that death never existed? What was previously impossible is now becoming a salutary reality.
Price: 22.00 euros (incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs)
You will be happy to receive a signed copy including a personal dedication from me!
-bis ans Ende der Welt
"Lass uns an jenem Ort treffen, an dem Zeit keine Rolle mehr spielt. Jenem Ort, an dem mein Tod von keinerlei Bedeutung ist. Um dich zu finden, gehe ich bis ans Ende der Welt und darüber hinaus."
Aufgrund ihres eigenen persönlichen Verlustes und der Vielzahl an außerkörperlichen Erfahrungen hat die Autorin ein einzigartiges Projekt ins Leben gerufen, welches eine weitere, neue Möglichkeit der Trauerbewältigung aufzeigt. Erlebe hautnah mit, wie Lebende und Verstorbene aufeinandertreffen und gelange dabei zur Erkenntnis, dass der Himmel nicht nur wunderschön ist, sondern erfahre dabei auch die allumfassende Liebe der geistigen Welt.
Inklusive Anleitung zur außerkörperlichen Erfahrung!
Preis: 22,00 Euro (inkl. MwSt, exkl.Versandkosten)
Gerne erhältst du von mir ein signiertes Exemplar inklusive persönlicher Widmung aktuellen Ausgabe!
Exceptional gifts for special people
Are you looking for the right gift and want to give your loved ones something extraordinary?
- Then my vouchers are just right for you!
Select the desired voucher value from €50, send me an email and transfer your amount
and you will shortly receive your voucher as a PDF by email.
Transfer to: Anika Schäller
IBAN: AT 54 2022 1072 0115 3512
Purpose: “Voucher and your name”
Participant feedback
I went to the bathroom at 4:30 a.m. and decided to try to induce an AKE afterwards. However, I went back to bed and meditated. I imagined myself visiting a relative in the USA, but since I tend to set myself mammoth tasks at the beginning, I asked the spiritual world to enable me to do an OBE in a framework that is not overwhelming to learn at first. After I had the non-controllable AKE with the star beings on Tuesday and could only sit up briefly with my upper body on Wednesday, I wanted to experience a controllable AKE. After that, I waited and let it happen. I drifted away again and again into a sleep start, but I always brought myself back. Suddenly, I sat upright again with my upper body and just thought: "This time, my legs have to go with me! Please, dear spiritual world - help me to detach myself completely" Something pulled, I rolled to the side and suddenly my legs were free and I flew to the bedroom ceiling. Everything was dark, but I still found my way into the living room. I thought, "Clear view - NOW" and saw my couch, my windows, my dining table. I stood on the floor and wondered if I hadn't gotten up after all and had long since been awake again. Then I thought - "If I can fly to the ceiling lamp, I am still in the astral body" and lo and behold - I flew to the ceiling lamp. Then I wanted to go back to the bedroom to my wife and dog. I thought in front of the door "I wonder if I can see my body lying there right away?" - and clumsily I was back in my body and awake. An INCOMPREHENSIBLE experience! Thank you and you dear Anika Schäller! Three AKE in 5 days... I would never have dreamed of this.“
It was just incredible.I felt clear vibrations, but at first I could not detach myself from my body. So I made myself so hard that I just failed. Then I went out into the garden."
I met my boys between 6.30 and 8 o'clock this morning. I took M. in my arms and could feel him, I didn't want to let go of him and he said, Mom, you don't need that either, hold me tightly in your arms as long as you want. We used to laugh and fool around. I could see him clearly, his complete beauty. No trace of sadness, just pure joy with lots of bright, beautiful colors. I am still completely inspired by it. It was fantastic!
It was just unbelievable. I felt clear vibrations, but at first I could not detach myself from my body. So I made myself so hard that I just failed. Then I went out into the garden. Once there, I first asked for "clear vision" and "stability now". After that, I called for my deceased daughter. I flew up, only to glide back down shortly after. "That can't be true, can it?" I said to myself and looked around. Suddenly, there it was! She was here the whole time and was already waiting for me. She played, just like she always did. I went up to her, hugged her and told her that I missed her and that I loved her more than anything. I didn't want to let go of her. "Are you okay?", I asked her, over and over again and almost had the impression that I was annoying her with my constant questioning. But I couldn't hear her voice often enough. Shortly thereafter, my grandparents joined me. "Look who's there?" I said. She wore black pants, a pink long-sleeved shirt and a pink bolero over it. I remember that very well because I looked at them very closely. "What's the beauty you're wearing?" I asked. I didn't let her out of my arms. She told me that she has a lot of friends where she is now. It was wonderful to see my daughter again.“
I left my body and then sat cuddling with Emilia in an armchair in our house. Then we flew. I also noticed you and Robert. We flew over a southern landscape. I saw the dark blue sea and a seaside town. A large building - similar to a church/mosque - was still scaffolded and the roof was still open. I feel somehow liberated and exhilarated today. I'm so happy right now!“
Dear Anika. I would like to thank you for your wonderful company. You took the time beforehand and continually addressed my questions and needs in a loving way. I had so many questions. You always took your time, dealt with each one of them, had tips and advice ready, and did so with seemingly endless patience. What touched me the most, however, was your excitement and joy about my successes and experiences. You motivated me to keep going and, above all, your own wealth of experience helped me so much to understand everything. You were there with all your heart from the first to the last second and radiated so much joy that it was a pleasure to learn with you and to travel side by side.”
To finally see my deceased son again and hold him in my arms is and remains simply priceless. A unique moment that I will never forget. The month we spent with Anika was simply incredible and I learned so much. Please go on and stay exactly as you are!”
The practice night together was really very eventful and I had the feeling that Anika picked me up very nicely. I found myself in a meadow. Afterwards I ended up in a kind of soul essence room, where I was shown wonderful things that are currently very important to me. There were several spiritual beings present who took care of me.”
I give the workshop full marks. I particularly liked Anika's friendly and authentic manner. Everything was well structured and wonderfully simple and understandable, if one can say that in relation to this topic. I used to think experiencing astral travel was difficult, but it’s really easy.”
I have been dealing with the topic for several years. I have attended several courses and practice regularly. I didn't experience anything. With Anika’s help I finally did it and I’m more certain than ever that I’ll experience so much more.”
I wouldn't have been able to read what Anika taught me in this workshop week in the last three years. Her direct and refreshing demeanor completely eliminates any doubts about the existence of these strange worlds.”
I wish I had discovered Anika as the first point of contact when it came to astral travel. That would have saved me a lot. Your instructions are so clear, true to the motto “less is more”. That's how it has to be in my opinion! Five out of five stars from Barcelona!”